Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How do you find your bra size?

With over 80% of women wearing the wrong bra size, I thought a post on how to measure for a bra would be helpful.

There is no standard for bra sizing. What is one size for one manufacturer is a totally different size for another manufacturer.
For determining correct size, there is only “common wisdom” and bringing lots of bras into the fitting room.
Common wisdom states that you measure your chest size then add 5 inches to get your band size. With today’s highly stretchable fabrics, this most often gives a band that is way too loose.
Instead, you should measure your chest immediately below your bust and only round up to the nearest even number.

In looking for a way to explain how to measure to find you bra size, I came across this video.

She does a very good job of explaining how to measure.

This is another blog post with a really good explanation of how to measure to find your bra size.

Plus size women also need to consider that there is more material to stretch in a larger size band. Here is a post that talks about sizing considerations for plus sizes.

If you have a band that is too loose, most of the weight of the bra will be carried by your shoulders instead of distributed by the underwire to the band. This leads to shoulder and back aches and straps that dig in.
Your band should be snug without restricting breathing.
And since manufactures can't agree on a standard size, you may find that you still have to go up or down a bit in the band or cup size for a particular brand or style. But at least you’ll be starting out with a better fit. And maybe you’ll only have to bring 3 bras into the dressing room instead of 12!


  1. This post is the BEST EVER! I have just lost a bunch of weight since my doctors told me I couldn't eat gluten or dairy anymore (who knew it was making me overweight AND sick?!?!) and have been going crazy because I KNOW my bra size has most likely changed. I am going to measure right now (the video was VERY helpful) so I don't go wasting $$$ on all the wrong sizes! THANK YOU!!

  2. Nicole, I'm so glad you found this helpful. Good luck with your bra shopping and your new diet.

  3. These are great tips! I know that finding a bra that fits is a big problem for me. I finally went to a department store to get fitted. I wish I would have had these tips then!

    Rhonda - Rhonda Bell Designs


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